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Behaviour and Learning Attitudes

Positive Behaviour


An environment where children are happy and relaxed in their work is particularly conducive to effective learning and will help all children to achieve their maximum potential. This is best achieved where children are clear as to what is expected of them in terms of their behaviour and staff are relentlessly consistent in their approach.

At Highweek Primary School we actively promote positive behaviour and place strong emphasis on strategies which support this to ensure that good behaviour is explicitly encouraged and celebrated.

Our approach to promoting positive behaviour centres upon core Golden Rules that every member of our school community follows. These rules are really focused around mutual respect for everything and everyone.


Everyone in school has a responsibility to protect these rules through their own behaviour and actions. We have very high expectations of our pupils and any behaviour that undermines these rules will be addressed promptly.


Positive Attitudes to Learning

Having confidence and a positive attitude to learning is crucial to a pupil’s success in school. We want our pupils to be motivated, determined and proactive in their learning and these are lifelong skills that we teach and promote. We are relentless in our pursuit of positive attitudes to learning as we are ambitous for all of our children to do well. We do this in the following way:



In the early years of lifelong learning at Highweek, children are introduced to the ‘Achievosaurs’ which encourage pupils to reflect upon themselves as learners and as members of their learning community. These characteristics underpin the seven areas of learning and development as detailed in the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage Framework’ (2012). They enable the children to develop personal identity and reflect on personal development. Characteristics, values and attitudes modelled by the Achievosaurs are:


  • Playing & exploring-questioning/curiosity

  • Active learning-trying/persevering

  • Creating & thinking critically- problem solving/reflecting/sharing

  • Children are given clear models of respect, friendship and co-operation from all adults and opportunities to discuss, explore and rehearse these values are fundamental to daily interactions, teaching/learning and story/talk time.



At Highweek we have embraced Building Learning Powerand the core themes it encourages: Resilience, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness and Reciprocity. These themes are explored in respect to both personal development and relational development and are fundamental to the ethos of the school.


We use green learning points, Merit cards to recognise WOW moments of learning and Friday flyers to recognise individual achievement and every pupil is involved.
These learning skills and progress are formally recognised through our weekly Achievement assemblies where we celebrate individual success linked to the Achievosaurs and Building Learning Power themes.

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