What does Maths look like at Highweek?
Mathematics at Highweek
At Highweek Primary School, we follow the national curriculum for mathematics. The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:
become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions
We have selected the White Rose scheme of learning to guide our planning and sequencing of the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Framework. The scheme ensures that all pupils make deep connections and have a secure understanding of concepts through mastering objectives in small steps. We teach Mathematics to whole classes for an hour each day in KS1 and KS2. In addition to this, morning routines include Mathematical fluency tasks and/or revision from the previous learning. In the Early Years foundation Stage, opportunities for Mathematical learning are available daily through investigation stations and in more formal teaching sessions.
Teachers in all phases plan lessons in units which blocks together different Mathematical themes. The teachers will use the White Rose steps and their own judgements and assessments to identify starting points for each unit. Teachers begin a unit by revising and recapping previous objectives through revision lessons and we have been trialing entry ticket style assessments. This is then used to inform the planning sequence needed as well as using daily live marking and feedback. At the end of each unit, teachers use the White Rose mini-assessments to identify progress, to guide the planning of the next unit and to inform planning of the revision starters.
When planning lessons, teachers will use a concrete- pictorial- abstract approach in order to develop understanding and embed key concepts. Concrete and pictorial resources are used across all Key stages. Key vocabulary and pictorial representations are displayed in all classrooms with a Maths working wall displaying the current learning.
During lessons, all pupils in KS1 and KS2 complete a counting activity (multiplication facts, number bonds, counting on and back in varying increments) followed by a revision task from the previous day’s lesson and/or objectives that address misconceptions from previous units. Questioning and feedback is a vital part of teaching and teachers use questions such as ‘how do you know’ or ask pupils to ‘prove it’ to assess children’s Mathematical understanding and to promote discussion and reasoning.
SEND pupils may be supported by additional adults, differentiated resources and/or differentiated activities. Pupils may receive pre-teaching sessions and interventions out of the Maths lesson. We believe that all children are equally able to learn Mathematics and achieve. Some may take longer to grasp concepts and may need careful scaffolding or support (guided groups, pre-teaching, same day catch up, additional intervention groups)
In Year 2 – 6, children use Times Table Rockstars to increase fluency. Pupils in year 3,4,5 and 6 have a weekly times table quiz where children focus on one table or an element of multiplication and/or division each week which is shared at home on Seesaw.
The learning environment across the school will be consistent, with a progression in Mathematical vocabulary and strategies and concepts in line with the White Rose calculation policies
In EYFS, children are given daily opportunities to develop their skills in counting, comparing numbers, subitising as well as shape, space and measure. The EYFS teachers plan using White Rose blocks. The children use practical resources independently and in small daily groups with an adult. This Mathematical journey is captured on Tapestry. The revised EYFS framework was introduced in September 2021.
The impact of using the full range of resources, including planning from White Rose, will be seen across the school and will deepen the connection of Mathematical learning for all children as well embedding fluency and Mathematical reasoning. Impact can be measured through key questioning skills built into lessons and through assessment which targets the next steps in learning. Impact will be seen through test results including end of key stage national data.