P.E. & Sport
We believe in inspiring all our pupils to encompass healthy lifestyles/attitudes which will include every child by offering a wide breadth and variety of sporting opportunities. Pupils will experience:
10 minutes DPA (daily physical activity)
2 hours of PE within the curriculum time which will include a term of swimming from Nursery to Y6
Active playtimes/lunchtimes delivered by a sports coach, playleaders, and MTA’s
A range of after school clubs such as Cheerleading, Street Dance, Basketball, High 5 Netball, Dartmoor 3 Ball and Football
Y5/6 Bikeability – Level 1 and 2
Change 4 Life Club to teach selected children about healthy foods, the importance of exercise and promote positive wellbeing
A range of competitions/festivals mainly organised by SSP (Schools Sports Partnership) of a competitive and non-competitive nature
Gifted and Talented opportunities to extend and challenge pupils
Annual Sports Day
We partner with Saints Southwest who are supporting our teachers in delivering the National Curriculum for P.E.