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Parent Survey Results

During the Spring Term 2016 we invited parents and carers to meet with their child’s class teacher to find out more about their child’s progress. Questionnaires were available to give an opportunity for parents and carers to share their comments and feedback. The full results can be downloaded below. Here are just a few of the highlights from the report:


  • 91% said their child is generally happy at school

  • 90% agree the school has a clear understanding of their child’s needs

  • 75% are pleased with their child’s progress



Comments and feedback

“If I could afford to send my daughter with a packed lunch I would because she regularly tells me how unpleasant the meals are and are very dry or to spicy.”


“This is an amazing school.  The strength of the teaching has shown through (Childs name) learning and achievements.”


“I find this school a very happy friendly school, both my children have enjoyed their time here!"


“(Childs name) has only been at the school for a short while but I am happy with his progress since he started.”


“Thank you so much for providing a safe thriving environment.  I am thrilled with my daughter’s progress.”


“School clubs are excellent, would prefer more creative activities such as dance and craft.”



Your feedback is always valued and important. We do listen to all comments and they help us continue to improve the school; and to ensure that we meet the needs of parents, carers and the children.


Two of the outcomes since the survey so far, are that the Governors are working to raise their profile and we are working on improving our timings to give you needed information in a timely manner.

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