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School Partnership with Parents and Carers

Central to our vision is our partnership with parents and carers, and this is at the heart of everything that we do. By striving together as a team and having high aspirations for parents and carers, we can ensure the best education for our children.


A good education will give your child the best start in life, giving them the skills they need to succeed both socially and in the workplace. But home-life makes a huge difference too.


We believe education is a partnership between home and school. Parents who read stories to their children daily, listen to them reading and talk to them about everything that goes on around them make a massive difference to their children’s development; helping to reinforce what they learn in school.


When your child starts at Highweek we ask you to sign a home-school partnership agreement, pledging your commitment to working together to provide the best education.


We operate an open door policy and are available at the playground at the beginning and end of the school day if you need to talk to us. If you have a problem or something is bothering you, please tell us as soon as possible so we can help. If you would prefer, you can also make an appointment to speak to Class Teachers, our Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator, Deputy Head or the Head Teacher as required – please contact the school office who will be happy to arrange an appointment for you.


At Highweek we provide regular information on pupil progress to parents and carers and offer opportunities for you to support and celebrate your child’s successes in all areas. Parents and carers are also kept up to date with events and important notices via our weekly newsletter, which comes out every Friday.



Helping in School

We are very keen to involve parents and carers in the daily life of the school. If you would like to help (perhaps hearing children read or helping in class) please let us know. Helpers will be asked to complete a criminal records check before being able to work at Highweek.



Friends of Highweek (PTFA)

We have a thriving Friends Association of which every parent, staff member and governor is automatically a member. We usually meet about twice a term and new members are most welcome. Over the years parents have done a great deal for the school, raising money for all sorts of projects.

Visit the Friends of Highweek Association page to find out more

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