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Introduction to our School

Welcome to the Highweek Primary School’s website. I hope you find the information helpful and that it gives you a taste of the happy, industrious and vibrant school that we are.

Everyone at Highweek is immensely proud of our school. It continues to retain its ‘Good’ judgment by Ofsted  following a two day inspection in March 2023 and the inspector  identified many strengths.

Comments from the inspectors include:

'Highweek Primary and Nursery is a friendly, welcoming and inclusive school where pupils learn well.’

‘Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum...Precise questioning and high expectations ensure that pupils learn well.’

'Pupils become fluent and confident readers.'

‘Pupils form positive relationships with staff and peers and say they feel safe.’

'The culture of safeguarding at this school is robust'.


Highweek is a caring school with a distinctive ethos and an ambitious vision for all. Its team of dedicated professionals are here to ensure that the children can become the best possible learners they can be. With its creative and dynamic curriculum, this makes our school an exciting place to be.

Our work in developing children’s learning dispositions and making them successful and confident learners has been formally recognised by Challenging Learning. We are now a study tour school for academic professionals from around the world who wish to learn from our approach.


Every member of staff is committed to providing the children with a happy, well-disciplined nurturing environment where the children can thrive and make the most of every learning opportunity offered to them. We are ambitious for all our children. We aim to be a school where all the children are inspired to see learning as a lifelong experience, thus empowering them to make good choices in later life.


The school promotes the best possible academic, cultural and moral values in an inclusive environment. All our children, regardless of background, culture, religious belief or ability, are equally valued, supported and challenged.


Highweek Primary School aspires to be easily accessible to parents. A successful school is one where there is a partnership between school and home and we welcome your support and input.

If you would like more information about our school please explore this website to find out more about admissionslearning, our classes and the  parents section of the site.


Of course, reading about a school is no substitute for seeing and hearing for yourself.  We welcome visitors and we are always happy to make arrangements to show people around the school. We will try to answer your questions about anything to do with the teaching and how we look after your children while they are in our care.


We look forward to meeting you.

Ms C Redwood – Headteacher


Download our prospectus


Prospectus November 2019 Wotton Printers
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