Safeguarding Children
The safety and well-being of the children here at Highweek Community Primary School and Nursery is our first priority. Children cannot learn unless they feel happy and safe. We adhere to stringent Safeguarding procedures to protect the welfare of all the children who come here.
Useful Information:
Concerned about a child?
If you have serious concerns about a child or young person, or if you need help parenting your child you can call 0345 155 1071 or email
Out of hours please call 0845 6000 388. If it is an emergency dial 999.
Designated Child Protection Officers
Designated Child Protection Officer: Ms Claire Redwood
Deputy Designated Child Protection Officer: Mrs Dawn Matthews
Additional Designated Child Protection Officer: Mrs Jacky Dawes
Attendance Improvement Officer AIO: Mike Mabin
Prevent Officer:
CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation) Officer:
CIN (Child in Care) Officer:
E-Safety Officer: Miss Emma Hopkins